Femoscouting is the Scouting & Recruitment Agency a subsidiary of Femo federation established in the Netherlands.
Femoscouting focuses on marketing and intermediating of Semi-professional & proffesional football players indentified from football academies and amateur football teams all
over the world and from all age groups and channeling them to European ,UK, US, Asia and the Gulf Super League clubs to match their criteria and demands to stay competitive in their various championships.
It was founded in 2018 ,and officially established in 2019.
Our objective is to facilitate contact between football job employers and joung talented Semi & proffessional talents so that they can collaborate on new projects and close contracting agreements.
We are passionate about football and new technologies, that is why we believe that we can help all professionals, semi-professionals and amateurs to get the job they are looking for.

Our team

We are a young group of people with great passion for our work.
Managing the careers of hundreds of elite soccer proffessionals, Femoscout tellar Sports has been, and continues to be, behind some of the biggest deals in soccer history.
Our success comes from our unique “total management” approach, which sees us identify the best young players and then be their guide at all stages of their careers,
from signing their first pro contracts right up to lifting the Champions League trophy and beyond.

Our team of dedicated staff take care of everything, be it complex contract negotiations, commercial opportunities, individual talent development, a client’s social media presence.
It’s all about ensuring that clients can concentrate on being the very best they can be while enjoying all the rewards their talent and hard work deserve.
Our football division has the biggest scouting network in the world, with global networks and contacts at all levels of football helping to open doors at every stage of a client’s journey.
By continuing to exceed expectations with a unique blend of sports and management expertise Femoscouting continues to expand fast.